Long-Term Effects of Meth
There are many long-term effects of using meth, including overdose and addiction. Addiction is a chronic and relapsing brain disorder that’s characterized by compulsive drug use regardless of adverse outcomes. The effects of long-term meth use may include significant changes in brain function and structure. Read on to learn more about the consequences of methamphetamine […]
What Do Your Eyes Look Like on Meth?
You might be familiar with meth mouth and other physical effects of methamphetamine addiction, but what’s less commonly discussed are meth eyes. The reality is, meth (also called crystal meth) can impact your eyes and vision, both in the short and long term. Recognizing meth addiction early is crucial so that treatment can be started […]
Meth Blisters
Meth blisters are a common byproduct of the abuse of methamphetamine (crystal meth). Meth is a potent and highly addictive central nervous system stimulant that can inflict substantial harm on overall well-being and physical appearance. Meth face sores typically develop because crystal meth induces intense itching, prompting individuals to scratch and pick at their skin. […]
Symptoms of Meth Use
Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive stimulant that can rapidly lead to addiction, mainly due to the intense dopamine rush it produces. Dopamine plays a central role in pleasure, motivation, memory, learning, and reward processing. The artificially elevated levels of dopamine caused by meth usage triggers heightened and pleasurable feelings, driving many people to continue using […]
Meth Withdrawal and Detox
Methamphetamine, also known as meth or crystal meth, is a highly addictive stimulant and Schedule II controlled substance. If you develop an addiction to meth – clinically described as stimulant use disorder – you will experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when you quit using the drug. This process is known as meth withdrawal and detox. Today’s […]